Customize template

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Who needs paper to set an agreement in stone? Sign and store contracts digitally with this electronic signature form template. While this sample is for a medical agreement, you can adapt it for any purpose—no coding needed! Simply drag and drop your choice of fields, including checkboxes, text, formatted addresses, file uploads, captcha and, of course, signatures. In addition, you can have copies emailed to all involved in the agreement.

Publish template

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This electronic signature form can be shared quickly and easily as a web page embed. Simply copy and paste the snippet into a page on your website. An alternative is to share the form’s unique URL — send it by email, text message, IM or post it on your social media page. Equipped with a mobile-responsive design, the form is easy to use on computers and handhelds alike.

Collect & manage data

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Each time your electronic signature form receives a submission, a new entry is stored in a dedicated database accessible from your 123FormBuilder dashboard. You may review the submissions at any time or export them to Excel, CSV, and PDF. Better yet, take advantage of many integration options that promote a seamless workflow. 123FormBuilder can connect to Dropbox, Smartsheet, Salesforce as well as many other apps and payment gateways.

Optimize your flow

See how

Finalize the agreement more quickly and let the partnership begin! Using electronic signatures, you can move the business forward without waiting for a meeting or a letter. In case you were wondering if an electronic signature carries the same authority as a paper signature, you’ll be pleased to know that 123FormBuilder is 27001 ISO compliant and used by consultants worldwide. What are you waiting for?

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