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Гарантия возврата денег - 30 дней

Гарантия возврата денег - 30 дней

The basics for creating up to five forms and collect submissions
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Streamline data through third party apps, create conditional logic and custom reports
$ 24.99
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Unlimited forms, more submissions, extra upload storage, online payment collection.
$ 44.99
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Все планы включают

email notifications
Email уведомления
Receive an instant notification by email when someone completes your form. Set up multiple recipients, custom email templates and autoresponders.
technical support
Free in-house technical support
Need assistance? Helping our customers use the 123FormBuilder engine to its full strength and capability is our top priority. Ask away and we’ll reply as soon as possible.
google maps field / image field
Поле Google Карты / поле изображения
Add any location via a Google map on your web form. Add images from a live URL or upload one from your computer.
platform integration
Интеграционная платформа
Add your web form to your favorite platform, such as Facebook, WordPress, Wix, Shopify and more. We even have a WordPress plugin-in to make your life easier.
custom 'thank you' page
Пользовательская страница "Благодарности"
Thank your form users after having completed your form. Use our built-in confirmation page or build your own. Redirect them to a custom page or show them a personalized text with images and videos.
submission archive / export to excel
Архив представлений / Экспорт в Excel
Search, sort and export the data you have collected with the click of a button. Access your form data at any time and update it when needed.
anti-spam protection
Анти-спам защита
Protect your web forms and surveys from bots and humans with Captcha, country filters and IP limitation. We provide even more security settings for those who need it.
ISO Compliance
ISO Compliance
123FormBuilder is compliant with the ISO 27001 & ISO 9001 standards regarding information security and quality management.

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